Admission Arrangements
Our Pupil Admission Number is currently 60. We endeavour under the terms of Hertfordshire’s Local Education Authority’s admission policy to accommodate children from within our local area wherever possible. Hertfordshire Local Authority is responsible for the allocation of places in schools for children of primary school age. Children join our Nursery class in the September before their fourth birthday. They join the Reception class in the September before their fifth birthday. If you would like to apply for a place outside the normal admission times then click HERE which will take you to Hertfordshire County Council In Year Admission applications.
Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities
In order that children who have a disability may be catered for, the school seeks advice from the Local Authority regarding the admission of such pupils. The school will endeavour to make any necessary arrangements in full consultation with the parents and any other agencies involved. It may be necessary in some cases for specialised equipment to be purchased, support staff to be employed, and minor adaptations to be made to buildings and furniture. These will need to be done in consultation with the Local Authority, and may take some time to implement.
Steps to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils
The school’s Accessibility Plan sets out the Governors’ response to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 which requires that a pupil should not be treated less favourably because of a disability. The current plan is available from the school office and will eventually be available on the school web site.
Existing facilities to assist access to the school by pupils with disabilities
- Disabled lavatory in both Phase One and Phase Two buildings.
- Wheelchair access is available to both buildings.
- Skills Room for Intervention Programme and Special Educational Needs teaching
Future policies for increasing access to the school by pupils with disabilities
The Governor’s Accessibility Plan and School Disability Scheme outline future plans for increasing provision for children with disabilities. School policies are available from the school office.
Nursery Admissions
Admission Arrangements
Yewtree Primary School runs a morning Nursery session from 8.45am until 11.45am.
Yewtree Primary School Nursery has space for a maximum of 30 pupils.
The hours are for term time only.
All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 570 hours of free early education a year, which is equal to 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.
Viewing the Nursery
Due to COVID-19 we are currently unable to show families around our setting during school time. However, if you feel you a visit would be necessary we may be able to accommodate one parent to visit after 3.30pm on an appointment only basis. You would be shown around the outdoor learning environment by a member of the Senior Leadership or Early Years Team. Please contact the school office who will have a list of available dates and times. We would otherwise advise you to look on our school website where there are videos available for you to view of both our indoor and outdoor learning environments.
Eligible children
At Yewtree Primary School children can start school in the September after their third birthday. Children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019 can apply for a place at Yewtree Primary School Nursery to start in September 2022.
15 hour place (3 hours a day)
Parents can apply for a 15 hour place from November 2021. Parents will be allocated a morning session from 8.45am-11.45am. However, if there are more applications an additional afternoon session from 12.00 - 3.00pm may become available.
Over subscription criteria for Yewtree Primary School’s Nursery
Yewtree Primary School will admit children with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care) Plan that names the school.
Parents can apply to Yewtree Primary School for a place in the Nursery class to start in the September after their third birthday. However, if there are not enough places available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority:
a) Children looked after and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were
adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order)
b) A child ‘at risk’ (or the sibling of a child ‘at risk’) who is the subject of an inter-agency child protection plan.
c) Other applicants where the following criteria are considered to determine priorities:
1) Children who have a sibling at the school at the time of application, unless the sibling is in the last year of the normal age range of the school i.e. is in year 6.
2) Priority will then be given to those who live nearest to the nursery as measured in a straight line. Where there is a need for a tie-breaker where two different addresses measure the same distance from a school, in the case of a block of flats for example, the lower door number will be deemed nearest as logically this will be on the ground floor and therefore closer. If there are two identical addresses of separate applicants, the tie break will be random. Yewtree Primary School will use parent reception distance checker. A place in Yewtree Primary School Nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception. Parents must apply to Hertfordshire County Council for a Reception place in their chosen school.
Click Below for Nursery Admissions Policy and Application Form