Google Classroom
Click Here to login
Google Classroom is our remote learning platform that we use at Yewtree Primary School. Google Classroom is a virtual classroom that provides a safe way for teachers to connect, share content, teach lessons and participate in discussions.
Login details can be found in pupils reading records.
If you are using the Google Classroom app on IOS or Android you will also need to download Google Docs/Pages/Slides for full functionality to edit and create work. These can all be downloaded from the Apple or Android App Store.
Please find below helpful video tutorials on using Google Classroom and a contact form if you are struggling and require support.
How to upload your work onto Google Classroom:
How to log into Google Classroom
How to use Google Classroom
Google Meet - Live Lessons
How to upload your work using the Google Classroom App
Help Form
If you are struggling using Google Classroom please send us a message below